Visual Identity + Print
Michilimackinac Historical Society
The Michilimackinac Historical Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit and operates through store sales, grants, donations, and memberships. Membership contributions directly support operations, care for the museum collections, and helping to sustain the Society’s mission of preserving and nurturing a passion for the history of Upper Penninsula communities around Straits of Mackinac. This is achieved through curated exhibits, educational initiatives, public archives, and collaborations with local artists, cultural bearers, families, and organizations.
The Michilimackinac Historical Society did not have a visual brand identity to guide them. The "Tell Your Story" fundraising campaign was created by Mind Over Marketing in collaboration with Mijaart and Design. Together we created a unique visual identity emphasizing the significance of preserving and protecting the region’s history through storytelling, with a focus on providing a welcoming and engaging experience. Carefully curated images and illustrations resonated with the narrative of the early settlers of Michilimackinac. This campaign was elevated by a thoughtfully selected traditional orange and green color palette. Over the course of a few years, the series consisted of several mailers, brochures, a gift sheet, stationery and invitations.